Monday, October 22, 2001

Safari From Flavor Of Love Hair

Avacalhação No Limit - Part I

This is the traditional analysis of Mother of Foca on the competitors of the overall program The Edge 3. Begins on October 28. Look at the names of competitors. It seems that Globo was not content with Lhits (something), that lesbian chick.

is the dawn of the age of Aquarius.


Our first contestant is Adriana, 28 , married, a physiotherapist and a resident of Rio was created by an aunt. Adriana has a mania for cleaning and dreams to serve the army. In the program's website is written "Early on she began modeling and at age 19, he already bought an apartment. Currently, she does some modeling and also exercising the profession of physiotherapist."

First, all models are whores and all models are gay. This is a tenet of humanity. The chick should have started her modeling career with a 12 year Casablancas giving a tupiniquim. Then with a 23, knew the sucker Adrian, her husband and got married. Probably he is too ugly or too old to marry because a whore who dreams come
the army has to be a lot loser. Adriana, besides bitch, must be much mail!


Our second contestant is Bisteka, 28, single, Flamengo, macumbeira and dancer.

Not only that the girl be known as Bisteka (the aurélio: bisteka, see handyman f) be the samba dancer, Flamengo and be winning the gold standard for best dancer in Carnival 1999, it still appears on television saying he likes to look good naked. Who has seen the advertisement, you know. Bitch, without right of appeal.


Our third contestant is Hérica, 24 years, single and triathlete. Hérica divides his time between workouts and triathlon
work in a restaurant hostess. Another tenet of humanity is unquestionable that any hostess are whores and all hosts are picky or stuttering. As Bisteka, Hérica is undoubtedly a bitch.


Tomorrow expert analysis three other competitors program


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