Wednesday, November 7, 2001

Bloody Sugar Planet Suzy

Mother's Seal reveals the true identity of Lactobacilli Live [Part 1 of 2]
by Leann Rimes, direct-Kho Ja-Nee (contributed to this report Luis Amorim, the newly elected Father Anus of the Readers' Forum magazine He She)

After months of fierce investigations, sleepless nights, blondes poorly designed and many, many even jokes failed, the team finally MOF Special Reports brought out one of the best-kept secrets of the dairy industry worldwide: the true identity of Live Lactobacilli.

The origin of everything
They all know that the longtime Yakult has its roots in Asia, the region of our planet that has the highest concentration of Lactobacilli existing Living in the Biosphere. What nobody knew is that Yakult is the product of a very popular practice of yoga - the individual relaxation exercise, which helps the practitioner to more effectively reach Nirvana through a prayer to Onan, considered the patron saint of Live Lactobacilli. This exercise, which the practitioners of Yoga called Bron-Ha (relaxation manual), eventually becoming more popular by the world for being very practical and efficient, and easy execution of their movements.

Osho, the idealist, the Bron-Ha
The practice of Bron-Ha has existed for at least five millennia. Its popularity and consequent global expansion happened during World War II, when the survival of Lactobacillus Live found to be seriously threatened by the hostile environment that has become our biosphere. The
largely responsible for spreading Bron-Ha of the world was the philosopher Osho Asian, a real monk and practitioner of Yoga. Osho has published several books exploring the Eastern practice of balance with the environment of being around her, always putting the practice of Bron-Ha as an excellent means of relaxation. His books will eventually become almost compulsory reading the soldiers in the war fronts, always tense because of their violent routines.
The Eastern philosopher preached that the Bron-Ha not only helped in the cosmic balance of being, but also served as a means to combat the loneliness of the monks, putting them in touch with their own bodies and facilitating their raids through their auras . Osho also emphasized that the prayers helped to Onan monks and practitioners of Yoga around the world to sow the Biosphere with Poh-Ra, facilitating the development of Live Lactobacilli.


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