Monday, September 20, 2010

Hot Pink Baggy Sweatpants

Ad August wczoraj.udalo us to prepare all the assumptions I reach for both spotkania.myslalem, the wedding menu selection should rather przysparzac konfilktow spokojnie.tak And he will be the end was not, but I think the znazlismy agreement and ended with a positive . I saw the end of the dance halls, and has surpassed my wildest expectations - a lot of space to dance And I could have dispensed with przestronna.nie be adventure - on the way to the restaurant went into a deep hole, air from the tire broke loose and we had to change the color, well, Dad was in the house they brought it to the young a better key, and we along with the bowl podwiezli the meeting.
After the meeting we dot the menu was waiting one more thing - the priest who chaired by mail to our vow, we got about 1.5 hours late, because Al was closed. Katowice to Krakow from Wolica, so we had to somehow objechac.spotkanie successful, it's fine. Ot

day like every day.


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